About Us
The UCCS Club Sports Program offer students with a passion for a particular sport the opportunity to learn more about the sport, develop additional skills while practicing or playing the sport, build character, and establish lasting friendships. These student-run organizations, all competitive by nature, emphasize leadership and education through the sports it offers. UCCS Club Sports often travel and host games and events in collaboration with other colleges and universities.
The UCCS Club Sports program consists of 16 clubs with close to over 400 student-athletes. Club Sport teams travel across the state and the country competing in regional and national tournaments in their respective leagues. The UCCS Club Sports program has grown tremendously in the last few years and continues to grow each and every year. Click on "Join a Club" to become a part of this great program!
Club Sports email: sports@uccs.edu
Club Sports Handbook
Club Sports teams are open to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students at UCCS. Please visit the Join a Club Page to Register for your sport and view all Player Requirements
All groups wishing to establish a new club sport must complete the New Club Sport Application. The New Club Application form is listed under the Officer Resources webpage (https://www.uccs.edu/recwellness/campus-rec/club-sports/officer-resources) under Administrative Forms. All new student groups must attend a club orientation. Upon successful club/organization registration, club officers must meet with the Program Director and/or Program Coordinator to discuss adherence to eligibility criteria and application to confirm official Club Sports Association membership.
In order to remain a Recognized Club Sport, all existing Club Sports teams must annually complete an Annual Club Registration form through the Officer Resources webpage under Administrative forms.
To apply for Club Sports Recognition and Associate Status a club must fulfill the following requirements:
- Submit New Club Sport Application and Agreement located online on the Officer Resources Center under Administrative.
- Agree to the Club Sports Agreement detailing the nature of the relationship with UCCS and Campus Recreation.
- Submit a club constitution to the Club Sports Program.
- Email to sports@uccs.edu for submission and posting on the club sports website.
- Officer must attend an officer training and on-boarding with Club Sports staff. All team officers (3) must attend.
- Adhere to all Club Sports Program, Campus Recreation and UCCS Policies and Procedures governing club related activities. Agree to comply with Standards of Conduct for Recognized Student Organizations and maintain accountability for University policies and guidelines.
- Establish projected 100% UCCS student membership (not including coaches and volunteers) and faculty/staff/affiliates who are Recreation Members.
- Establish and maintain a minimum UCCS Fee Paying Student roster for safe participation in the specific sport (as determined by the Club Sports program) and a minimum of 5 if not specified by sport.
- Submit and verify accuracy of currently active UCCS student members on the official online Club Sport Roster.
- Submit a detailed Budget Packet with projections for the remainder of the current FY (fiscal year) and the following FY.
- Maintain financial accountability to the University for all University funds, player dues and fundraising monies received. These funds must be maintained through the Club Sports Program. Outside bank accounts or neglecting to deposit funds is not allowed. All club accounts must start the year in the positive (out of debt).
- Establish communication and understanding of operating procedures, policy and acceptance for all chartering, sponsoring or governing organizations with whom the club wishes to affiliate with for competition.
- Present fulfillment of the proceeding 11 requirement to the Club Sports Association for recommendation of approval status to UCCS Campus Recreation Leadership.
Any club’s failure to adhere to these annual requirements will be placed on probation and remain in-active until the requirements are completed.
Player Requirement forms are located under the "Join a Club" tab. To become an active participant on a Club Sports team you must complete all Player Requirements and forms:
- Player Registration
- Player Dues
- Player Physical and Medical Clearance form (if required with Risk Ranking)
Program Director of Sports and Youth Programs, Chris Spencer (719) 255-7516, cspence2@uccs.edu
Assistant Director of Programs, Chris Ertman (719) 255-7508, certman@uccs.edu
In case of a LIFE THREATENING ACCIDENT or a MAJOR EMERGENCY, the following people should be contacted IN THE ORDER LISTED:
- University Police Department: (719)255-3111
- Chris Spencer, Program Director of Sports and Youth Programs: (719) 255-7516
- David Fehring, Director: (719) 255-7519