Officer Resources
Club Sports Important Dates and Meetings
Meeting/Event Name/Task | Date | Time | Location |
Returning Officer Canvas Training | Deadline to complete: January 22 | 11:59 pm | N/A |
New Officer Training | January 23 | 7:30 pm | GF 2 |
Club Sports Association Meeting | January 29 | 7:30 pm | Kettle Creek |
Optional Workshop | February 19 | 7:30 pm | Kettle Creek |
Club Sports Association Meeting | March 5 | 7:30 pm | Kettle Creek |
Budget Packet Presentations | March 17- 19 | 7:30 pm | Mountain Lion Meeting Room |
Club Sports Association Meeting | April 9 | 7:30pm | Kettle Creek |
Optional Workshop | April 16 | 7:30pm | Kettle Creek |
Officer Transition Trainings | April 22- 24 | 7:30 pm | TBA |
Club Sports Annual Banquet | May 9 | 6:00 pm | TBA |
End of Semester Report Due | Deadline to complete: May 9 | 11:59 pm | N/A |
Annual Club Registration
Existing Club Sport teams must fill out the Annual Club Registration to obtain approval for participation during the 2023-2024 year. Steps: Log into MLC, Click on "Organizations," Click on "Register an Organization," Type in your club's name and click "Re-Register."
New Club Application
Clubs interested in becoming a Club Sport should fill out the New Club Registration to start the process of becoming a part of the Club Sports Program.
Officer Update
When your club decides to add or change officer positions, the Officer Update form needs to be completed. Every club sport is required to have a minimum of THREE officers, not including a Safety Officer.
End of Semester Report
All clubs must complete and submit this form by turning into the Sports Desk or sending it to at the end of Fall and Springs Semester. The End of Semester Report is due the week before finals week each semester.
Player Registration
The Player Registration form must be completed by each member joining a Club Sport prior to participating in a practice, game or event. The registration will cover 1 year of participation with the Club Sport beginning when the form is completed.
Player Dues
The Player Dues must be paid by each participating club member. All Dues payments must be completed using the online link by the date specified by your club. Failure to pay Club Sport Player Dues will result in removal from the team.
Player Physical
All Physicals must be completed on forms located in the link. Physical Examinations can be completed by appointment at the UCCS Wellness Center, Walk-In Clinic, or with a Primary Care Provider. Once completed, Physicals are valid for the participant's entire career within the Club Sports Program. All forms must be submitted to the UCCS Wellness Center Front Desk.
NCAA Concussion Facts Sheet
Players must read the NCAA Concussion Facts Sheet prior to submitting and agreeing to the Player Participation Waiver Concussion section.
HOME Event Registration
Any Club that is hosting a home event (game, tournament, competition, fundraising event, etc.) must complete this form no later than two (2) weeks in advance. All cancellations must be placed with 48 hours (or more) notice.
Cancellation Request
To cancel any existing practice or game reservations please submit this form with at least 48 hours notice (games) and 24 hours notice (practices).
General Volunteer Form
Any non member of a club that will be helping out or volunteering at a club event must first complete this form before being approved to participate.
Event Debrief Form
After any event (home or travel), each club must fill out the Event Debrief form no later than two (2) days after the event.
12-15 Passenger Van Drivers Training Information
View your Club Sports budget balance sheet of club expenses and revenues.
Purchase Request
Submit your request for all Club purchases and/or reimbursements here
SGA Funding Application
Use the form on Mountain Lion Connect labeled "SGA Funding Proposal 2024-2025" to request funding for your student club/organization from the UCCS Student Government Association. Be prepared to provide detailed information.
Purchase Order Supplier Tutorial (Business under TIN)
Potential suppliers must complete the supplier registration sent via email from The PDF Tutorial will assist suppliers in completing this process.
Refunds may be granted on a case by case basis. Please email the Club Sports Program at to apply for a player dues refund.
Invoice Template
Every request for payment must be accompanied by a detailed invoice of the services or goods your club is paying for. Please use the Invoice Template to help you achieve all of the necessary information to submit for payment.
Receipt Template
A receipt must be provided to the payee for any money received. Please use the template as necessary. The treasurer must also retain a copy of the receipt for club records.
Fund 29 Dues Deposit
Please print and complete the dues deposit form and include with the cash/check(s) during Club Sports Desk hour or the Club Sports Dropbox.
Incident Report
Every incident that takes place during a club practice/event/game needs to be documented and reported by filling out the online incident report form. Please use as much detail as possible.
This form must be submitted to the Club Sports Office.
Injury/Accident Report
Club Officers must fill this Injury/Accident report anytime an injury occurs and must submit it to the Club Sport Office within 24 hours.
Emergency Action Plan
This is the Campus Recreation Emergency Action Plan. Please review this document.
Safety Officer Application
A minimum of two (2) Safety Officers are required for each club sports team. Immediately after filling out this form, you will need to send your certificate(s) to Each Club Sport Safety Officer must have valid CPR, AED, and First Aid certification card on file with Campus Recreation.
Intent to Secure Coach
Must be filled out to be Club Sport Officers and approved by the Program Director or Coordinator of Sports and Youth Programs
Background Check Release Form
Coach Agreement and Notice of Risk & Waiver
ALL Coaches (volunteer or paid) MUST agree to and sign this Coach Agreement and Notice of Risk & Waiver.
Failure to sign this Agreement and the Waiver, if necessary, will result in disciplinary action as determined by the team’s Sport Clubs Coordinator that could include immediate termination.
SGA Funding Guidelines
Please use this document to help complete your club's SGA proposal submission. Contact if you would like additional help with your proposal.
UCCS Brand Identity Standards
Please refer to the UCCS Brand Identity website as well as the Club Sports Handbook prior to creating any media, logos, apparel designs, etc. Prior to all posting/printing designs must be approved by the Club Sports Office and Assistant Director of Business Operations.
Tax Exempt Certificate
Certificate of Exemption
Marketing Design Request
Need help creating a design for your Club Sport? Email the Campus Recreation Recreation Marketing Team to get started on a design for your posters, logos, and t-shirts. The Marketing Team will take you through all the steps to ensure designs fall in line with the UCCS Brand Standards.
Class Excuse Application
While the Club Sports Program cannot provide automatic excuse from class, we can create a letter in support of club sport competition that can be given to your Professor on behalf of Campus Recreation and your Club Sport activity. Fill out the online form and schedule to pick up your letter.