scholarship Program Participation Scholarship UCCS Campus Recreation Program Participation ScholarshipGuidelines and Frequently Asked QuestionsDownload the Program Participation Scholarship Application What is the UCCS Campus Recreation Program Participation Scholarship Who can apply for a UCCS Campus Recreation Program Participation Scholarship? How do I apply for scholarships? Do I need to prove that I am a currently enrolled UCCS student? What if I paid full price for a program and then applied for a UCCS Campus Recreation Program Participation Scholarship? When can I expect an approval of my scholarship application? How will I be notified of my scholarship status? How is the scholarship applied to my program registration? What are the limitations on scholarships offered within a semester? What programs can I use a program participation scholarship with? How soon do I need to submit a program participation scholarship form for an upcoming program? What if I received a scholarship for a program and need to withdraw? How long is my scholarship eligibility good for?