Become a Sports Official

Become a Sports Official

Hello and thank you for your interest in being a UCCS Intramural Sports Referee! Being an intramural referee is a great opportunity to make new friends, gain work experience, and of course earn a little bit of money. We are looking for students with a sports background, however, this is not required. If you are willing to work hard and learn the rules, then you too could become a great referee in no time. As a referee, there are a few requirements we ask that you are able to commit to. We completely understand that school comes before work and are willing to work with your schedule. As long as you are able to meet these requirements then you are on your way to becoming a UCCS intramural referee! Check for current job openings on SEANs.


Sports Official Requirements

  • Work 4-8 hours a week (opportunities to work more may come up)
  • Working at night and on Sundays
    • Mon-Fri games typically start around 7 and end around 11
    • Sunday games typically start around 12 and end around 6
  • Have/maintain a working knowledge of all sports
    • Rulebooks are available for you to become more familiar if you are not already
  • Attend regular officials meetings
    • These are biweekly and you are paid for being in attendance
  • Show up to work prepared and on time
    • It is expected referees shop up 30 minutes before their shift
  • Show up to work with a positive attitude
    • This includes working hard, accepting criticism, and being a team player