Progressive Training


Progressive Training

Progressive Training assists clients in reaching their goals through education and movement. Learn a new skill, accomplish a new goal or just come to make friends during one of our classes. Each small group will meet weekly with a trainer, continuously building knowledge and skills and motivating each other to succeed. Class sizes are limited in order to give everyone individual attention from the trainer.

Register for Progressive Training Classes Here



Class Descriptions

Intro to Weight Training

The goal of this program is to learn proper form and technique while executing several lifts as well as develop knowledge in the weight room. The primary lifts that will be taught include bench press, barbell squat and deadlift. You will also learn the fundamentals of weight training - compound lifts, accessory movements and how to program your own training regimen. By the end of this class, you will see improvements in your muscular strength and be able to put together your own workout split. This program is coached by our personal trainers.


Intro to Powerlifting

Powerlifting is a sport based purely off raw strength. With this progressive training program you see intense increases of strength, test your one rep max, and learn everything you need to know in order to compete in a powerlifting meet. We will focus on building strength in your three main lifts - barbell bench press, barbell back squat, and barbell conventional deadlift with precise programming, mobility, and accessory movements. With the guidance of our certified personal trainers, you will learn how to build strength in a safe and efficient manner.

Women + Weights

This progressive training will teach you everything you need to know about beginner weightlifting in a supportive environment. You will learn proper form for common exercises, how to build your own workout, and make progress towards your fitness goals!