Workshops and Presentations


Workshops and Presentations

Workshops by the staff of Mental Health Services are offered throughout each semester.  If you would like to register for free workshops, please call 255-4444.  Workshops are scheduled for various locations, so please call 255-3265 for location.  If you are unable to attend the workshops as scheduled, please call the above number and we will attempt to accommodate you.  If you would like a workshop on an issue that is not covered, please call the above number and we will see if additional workshops are possible.


Wellness Wednesday: Virtual Yoga@goca

Please join Debby Patz, psychologist and registered yoga teacher, every Monday at noon for a one hour yoga class sponsored by UCCS Wellness Center Mental Health Services.

Yoga takes place at GOCA at the Ent Center for the arts.

Recorded videos of past classes can be found online here.