Psychotherapy Services at Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services offers a variety of psychotherapy services to students who are currently enrolled at UCCS. These services may include any member of the student's family or significant relationship that the student may wish to include in their therapy. Students are charged very affordable fees for our counseling services ($20 per session). To ensure that the majority of students can utilize the services, our focus is on providing short-term psychotherapy. Students can initiate services by calling our main line (719-255-4444) or by coming to the Wellness Center inside the Recreation and Wellness Center in person. Once you leave your name, contact information, and the best times to be seen, the next available counselor will call you for your first appointment. If the concern requires specialized services or long term treatment, the student is usually referred to off-campus resources.


Counseling appointments can be made by calling the Wellness Center at (719) 255-4444 or by coming to the Wellness Center inside the Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center in person. Normal operating hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

If you are seeking help with an emergency after normal business hours, please contact:

Public Safety at (719) 255-3111 (if on campus);

If you are off-campus, dial 988 for mental health crisis or 911 for medical emergencies; or

Mental Health Crisis Line at (719) 635-7000

We offer the following counseling services:

Individual/Couples/Family Counseling

Mental Health Services provides individual psychotherapy for students who come with a wide variety of issues. Some of the most common issues that bring UCCS students to our Center are:

  • confusion about life goals
  • identity concerns
  • alcohol and substance abuse
  • eating/appetite/weight issues
  • depression
  • test anxiety
  • relationship conflicts
  • a variety of traumatic events
  • anxiety
  • grief and loss
  • sexual issues
  • difficulties coping with stress

Couples may seek marital, premarital, divorce, sexual adjustment, or alternate life- counseling. Counseling is available for the student and their partner whether the goal is to improve a good relationship or to deal with a relationship in trouble.

Sometimes a student's personal issues originate from early life experiences or involve certain other family members. When appropriate, a student may invite willing family members to therapy sessions.

Therapy Groups

The Mental Health Services offers therapy groups each semester with a variety of topics. For many clients, group therapy is the best treatment option for their present concerns, or a beneficial addition to their ongoing individual treatment. If you are interested visit the group sessions page here.

Psychotherapy, Services, and Referrals

During office hours, immediate assistance is available on a walk-in basis for students who are in urgent situations and need immediate attention. After hours, campus Public Safety handles emergency calls at 255-3111.

As a way to address developmental needs, provide preventive information and enhance the quality of campus life, UCC conducts workshops on topics such as acquaintance rape, healthy relationships, study skills and stress management. Our staff will consult with any campus group to design and develop specific programs or presentations. If you would like to request an outreach, please email Dr. Benek Altayli at

Faculty, staff and students may use Mental Health Services for consultation purposes (e.g. concerns about a depressed roommate, how to make a referral, how to respond to a colleague with a psychological problem, etc.)

Mental Health Services houses an extensive list of off-campus referral information including psychological services, guest speakers and community support groups. We also have pamphlets and handouts on various psychological issues.

Psychological testing can be used in relation to psychotherapy services the center offers to more efficiently gain a large amount of information about a client and to help understand a client's issues more clearly. Psychological testing can be used for both personal and career counseling.

Mediation is a form of conflict resolution that may be suitable for your particular needs (e.g. grade dispute with a professor, or roommate conflicts).

Graduate students from area masters and Ph.D. psychology and counseling receive on-site training at UCCS.