The pool will be closed due to HVAC repairs until further notice.
Find free 24/7 access to mental health resources for students, faculty, and staff here
a. Mental Health Services: We have a wide variety of mental health services that are provided in person and remotely at the Wellness Center to be able to address your stress/mental health challenges. You can go to to review the services available to you.
b. Disability Services: If you need deadline extensions, makeup tests, course completion extensions, etc., it is important to get accommodations through the Disability Services. To find out more about this, please visit
All of our testing is offered only in person. Please contact the front desk to find out more information 719-255-4444 on our testing services or to get a referral list for community providers
There are several options available to you to receive guidance and initiate help for the UCCS students you are worried about: