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The HeartMath course offered in Fall 2022 will educate students on how stress affects the mind and body, as well as how breathing and mindfulness techniques (with or without biofeedback tools) can assist them to manage their stress and boost their overall wellness. Universities have found promising results of implementing biofeedback tools within wellness programming to help students learn to cope with stress and anxiety (Ratanasiripong, Sverduk, Hayashino & Prince, 2010). All students could benefit from these sessions, as the curriculum will include psychoeducation on stress, anxiety, burnout, resilience, and mindfulness.

  • Ratanasiripong, P., Sverduk, K., Hayashino, D. & Prince, J. (2010). Setting up the next generation biofeedback program for stress and anxiety management for college students: A simple and cost-effective approach. College Student Journal, 44(1), 97-100.