Leah Patton, MPH

Leah Patton Headshot

Leah Patton, MPH

Wellness Promotion Coordinator


Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology from University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Master of Public Health, Concentration in Community and Behavioural Health from East Tennessee State University

Job Responsibilities

I'm part of the Wellness Promotion team that does health education and outreach on campus. Our goal is to build a community of wellbeing and help students develop skills to improve their health.

I can help you with

I do workshops, presentations, community events, and just happy to talk about any health or wellbeing topics you're interested in. Some of those are: sleep health, stress management, building healthy relationships, sexual health, sexual violence, alcohol and other drug use, mindfulness, healthy eating, or getting active.

What excites me about working in the Recreation and Wellness Center

I'm passionate about health education and building healthy communities, especially on a college campus. Working in the Wellness Center allows me to support the UCCS community and help prepare students for a happy, healthy future.


I have an overwhelmingly large To-Be-Read pile, a house full of plants, more hiking clothes than normal clothes, and a dog named Rigatoni who is my best friend.