Sara Wheat, RD/RDN

Sara Wheat

Sara Wheat, RD/RDN

Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist


Bachelor of Health Care Science – Nutrition with a minor in Sports Health and Wellness from UCCS

Master of Science in Applied Science with a concentration in Obesity and Eating Disorders from Northeastern University

Job Responsibilities

Nutrition counseling one-on-one with students, participation in campus nutrition-related events, and nutrition-related education/presentations as desired.

I can help you with

Any nutrition-related topic, such as medical conditions impacting diet, altered nutrition-related lab values, disordered eating patterns, optimized athletic performance, optimized nutritional intake with limited resources, etc. During your three free sessions when enrolled as a student, my goal is to get to know you and your history as an individual to optimize your intake moving forward through the best possible ways for you. Each student will receive an individualized approach. I can also help refer you to a medical or psychology provider should you benefit from their services in addition to my own.

What excites me about working at the Recreation and Wellness Center

I can help make a difference in the lives of so many students. Food is the one topic that applies to absolutely everyone, and learning about how food is impacting your body through sessions with me has the potential to really improve not only your health, but your quality of life.


I enjoy camping, exploring new places, and spending time at the lake in the summer with my family.

I love walking outside when the weather is warm and listening to podcasts.

In the winter you can usually find me reading or getting lost in a Netflix series.

I am also a big Disney fan, so I love anything Disney-related.